Over the years at blues gigs I have noticed an unusual number of couples in which a quite attractive female was with a guy who did not appear to have a lot going on for him. Being a trained sociologist (MA, SUNY Binghamton 1974) it is my professional observation that these loser looking guys had a particular skill that women find irresistible. That’s what this song is about.
I grew up in Buffalo, NY. There were 3 popular music station. Rock and Roll, a “race” records and a county station. I didn’t know the difference. It was all cool music to me.
For my 12th birthday I got a transistor radio. I put it on my desk and listened to the tunes while I did my home work. My parents thought I was studious because I spent so much time at my desk. They couldn’t figure out why my grades sucked. But I knew the lyrics to hundreds of tunes.
Erika says
I found myself nodding my noggin all the way thugorh.
Jazmine Hellstrom says
I really can’t believe how great this site is. Keep up the good work. I’m going to tell all my friends about this place.